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New Hampshire Orchid SOciety

Welcome to One of New England's Largest Orchid Societies!

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Who Are We?

The New Hampshire Orchid Society was organized in 1983 and currently has over 200 members. 

The Society offers monthly meetings, an annual picnic, an annual orchid show, and many other special events that provide opportunities for members to learn about orchids.

We publish a monthly newsletter which is sent to all members and have an orchid library of books and videos from which all members may borrow.

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For Members Only

If you are a member of NHOS please be sure to log in to your account to get full access to all areas of our website.

Visit our Members Only pages

Monthly Meeting - Preparing for our orchid show

This meeting will focus on helping us to prepare for our upcoming orchid show that begins on March 28.

We will be talking about registering our orchids, the members "coop table", trophy sponsorship, our hospitality room and orchid judging. We plan to once again offer tours during our show, and we'll talk briefly about how you can help.

Learn about how you can participate with ribbon judging, a fun way to learn about orchids while helping choose which plants should be recognized with first, second and third place ribbons. 

It's potluck so please bring a dish to share.

Monthly meeting starts at noon.

We'd love to see your blooming orchids on our show table. Please bring plants for the show table by 11am so that we have time for judging.

The New Hampshire Orchid Society was organized in 1983 and currently has over 200 members. NHOS is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code 501 (C)(3).


We publish a monthly newsletter with event information, show table results and much more to help us become better orchid growers.

For members, our past newsletters are available in our Members Only area.

Our most recent newsletter is always available for everyone to view.

View our most recent newsletter

Upcoming events


We offer monthly meetings with guest speakers, an annual picnic, a monthly newsletter, an annual orchid show, plant auctions and many special events that provide opportunities for members to learn about orchids. 

Wondering what a meeting is like? Guests are always welcome to join us at any of our monthly meetings.

Join us

Social Profiles

We have a Facebook page and an Instagram page to communicate with our members. We also have a Facebook group so that we can share photos with each other. 

Like and follow our pages to join in on the conversations!

 NHOS Facebook page
 Friends of NHOS Facebook group
 NHOS Instagram page

Orchid Shows

We have a yearly orchid show and particpate in many orchid shows throughout the New England area that are sponsored by our "sister" societies. 

We are happy to share with you photos of those exhibits and recognize our members for their awards and recoginitions.

Visit our Show pages.

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Problems with the website? Questions about NHOS? Contact us and let us help you.

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