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The New Hampshire
Orchid Society
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NHOS Show Table Results

October 2020

Judges: David Sparks, Chuck Andersen, Jean Stefanik

Hobbyist Category:

Phalaenopsis Alliance:

Dendrobium Alliance:

Den. Phal NOID                      Nicola Kernan     Blue

Den. Violet Yamaji                  Caron Savone     Blue

Paphiopedilum Alliance: none

Cattleya Alliance: None

Vanda Alliance: None

Oncidium Alliance: None

Cymbidium Alliance:

Cym. Golden Elf                   Anita Walker    Blue

Pleurothallid Alliance: None

Misc. Gen: None

Advanced Grower Category: All Cultural Awards

Vanda vietnamica             Lee Brockmann

Expert Grower Category: All Cultural Awards - R = rarity

Vanda (Neo.) falcata                David Sparks

Aerangis mystacidii                David Sparks

Sigmatostalix radicans           David Sparks

Barboselle Sp. Peru                Chuck & Sue Andersen

Acrorchis roseola                   Chuck & Sue Andersen

Bulb. tingabarinum var. alba  Chuck & Sue Andersen

Pleurothallis niterophylla         Chuck & Sue Andersen

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