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The New Hampshire
Orchid Society
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NHOS Show Table Results

July 2021

Judges: Chuck Wingate, David Sparks, Caren Savone, Nancy Chase

Hobbyist Category:

Phalaenopsis Alliance: None

Paphiopedilum Alliance: None

Cattleya Alliance: None

Vanda Alliance: None

Dendrobium Alliance:

1. Culture: Den. cuthbertsonii 'Lafeyette Purple   Susan Usseglio

Oncidium Alliance: None

Cymbidium Alliance: None

Pleurothallid Alliance:

1.  Lepanopsis Michelle (Primary Hybrid)   Susan Usseglio

Misc. Gen:

1.  Plantanthera lacera    Will Strouse

Advanced Grower Category: All Cultural Awards

Prosthechea 'Green Hornet'   Lee Brockmann

Expert Grower Category: All Cultural Awards - R = rarity

David Sparks

     Cochlioda noezliana

     Cochlioda sanguinga

     Coelogyna tomentosa

     Stenoglottis macloughlini  R

     Bulbophyllum eberhardtii

     Epidendrum bianthogastrium

Bob Cleveland

     Bulbophyllum frostii

Chuck & Sue Andersen

     Polystachya valentina

Daryl Yerdon

     Dendrobium Hibiki

     Tolumnia variegata 

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